Friday, 12 March 2010

If you are reading this review, I’m going to assume that you are yet another person with yet another miserable boss who is making your work life a living hell. Perhaps you’re even afraid of losing your job if you don’t give in to your bosses unreasonable demands and harassment. If that’s you, relax. The review you’re about to read is for a product that WILL help you with this problem. It’s called Undercover Lawyer and what I am going to do essentially is tell you what you will be getting with it.

Essentially, what Undercover Lawyer does is it explains the legal aspects of workplace harassment and workplace laws in plain and simple English so that you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars, if not more, on expensive lawyers. The information is out there. The problem is, people don’t know where to find it and don’t have the time to go hunting. Undercover Lawyer does the leg work for you.

And let me tell you…there are some really nasty and legal tricks in here that you can use to your advantage, such as how to make your work day 2 hours shorter or how to get huge bonuses that you would have never had a chance for…all legal.

But the main focus of the book is how to totally decimate a hostile work environment so that you never have to worry about being bullied by your boss ever again. Armed with this legal knowledge, all you have to do is literally put the fear of the law into him and he’ll back off.

Plus, and you’re going to love this, you’ll find out how to actually rid yourself of ever having to work for that boss again and yet STILL keep your job…if you still want it.

The law is very powerful, and in favor of worker’s rights. Problem is, very few people know what they are. The lawyers sure don’t. They want you to come running to them for THEIR help at the cost of $100 an hour…or more.

I mentioned above about working 2 hours less each day. This has to do with an under-utilized employment law. If this applies to you, you can literally tell your boss that you’ll be working 2 hours less each day and there isn’t anything he can do about it. This book shows you exactly how this works.

You’ll find out how to get a very generous severance package, if you decide you DO want to leave. This is another thing that very few people know how to do.

The guy who wrote this book is no hack. He’s got degrees from Yale and from UC. He’s taught business law all over. In fact, he used to work on the side OF the employers. But after seeing his own family member lose their job, he decided to switch sides and take up the fight FOR the employee.

I could keep going but why don’t you just visit this guy's site and see what he has to offer. I promise you, you will NOT be disappointed and it just might make all the difference in the world to you when it comes to your miserable boss and your job.

Always stand up for yourself because Nobody else will :

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